KPN - Freelance AI DevOps Engineer (ZZP)

Posted Jan 12, 2023
Project ID: 11 - 27815
Zoetermeer, Zuid-Holland
36 hrs/week
1 year
Starts: Feb 1, 2023
Ends: Jan 31, 2024
Payrate range
69 - 83 €/hr
Application Deadline: Jan 17, 2023 12:00 PM
  • Implementeren, integreren en uitbreiden van de AI application binnen KPN

  • Afgelopen 1,5 jaar pilot gedraaid

  • Verantwoordelijkheid van het team is om te zorgen dat de applicatie technisch klopt zodat het geïntegreerd kan worden

  • T-shaped profiel > zwaarte ligt meer in de Ops & Testing

  • IA development ligt bij de leveranciers, maar basiskennis AI is een must. Je moet hierover kunnen meepraten/overtuigen met de leveranciers. Hard programmeren dus niet.

  • Must: Ervaring met integratie

  • Meekrijgen en overtuigen van AI naar IT gebruikers en Management

  • Inrichten test- en ontwikkelstraat

  • Senioriteit gevraagd omdat het een brede/ veelzijdige functie betreft, snel schakelen met o.a. stakeholders, opstartfase van het team en er wordt gebruik gemaakt van veel verschillende en nieuwe technieken. Operationele taken behoren ook nog tot het takenpakket.

  • Soft skills: overtuigend, verhaal kunnen vertellen, positief, kansen zien, stevig in je schoenen staan

  • Startdatum voorkeur z.s.m.

  • Opdracht is voor langere periode. Verwachting is minimaal één jaar.

  • Team moet nog overleggen hoe vaak en wanneer ze naar kantoor gaan. Verwachting is 2 dagen per week naar kantoor. Is geen harde must

  • Welke programmeer- en scripting skills gebruikt worden laat de PO en Scrummaster nog aan ons weten.

Work environment

Within Networks Arrange we work with T-shaped profiles, which means that everyone with the same profile is able to pick up multiple activities needed to fulfill the job. However, every employee has their specialism where experience and knowledge is based upon.

What we look for

We are looking for an experienced DevOps Engineer with knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. Someone who is innovative and can think in a structured way, with passion for AI. A person that has the urge to help the business by creating quality technological solutions. Preferably someone with great analytic skills, stakeholder management experience and who thrives when convincing other people and working together with a team. Though we are setting up the team, it is important that you feel comfortable in this forming phase of a team where everything is not set in stone. Therefore requests on you as an individual will be common where you are able to tackle challenging queries. With your communication skills and agility you feel at home in an Agile environment where Scrum is implemented. You are keen to gain new knowledge and share this within and outside of your growing team.

In your role as DevOps Engineer:

  • Monitor networks, systems, applications and services; IT and TI

  • Analyze performance, incidents and problems

  • Solve incidents and problems

  • Configure new features and element

  • LCM of networks, systems, applications and services; IT and TI

  • Report (e.g. performance, SLA)

  • Perform vulnerability management

  • Provide input to minimize technical debts

  • Automate recurring manual tasks

  • Propose possibilities for innovation

  • Support in configuring the parameters of the AI model / cluster

  • Test and implement new elements/features


Implementation and roll-out of the AI application within KPN, including further deployment on service domains.

The assignment is applicable till 1-7-2023, but will be extended after this on quarterly basis.

Role of the professional within the project: Analyzing, developing, testing and implementing the AI ​​solution in collaboration with the supplier and the customer.



  • Implementation of new (service) domains

  • Integration with L1 and L2 processes and supporting IT

  • Model and cluster optimization in conjunction with SME

  • Operation and Maintenance activities of AI service

What specific knowledge and experience (hard & soft skills) are required to carry out the assignment/work?


Knowledge (musthaves dikgedrukt):

  • Test Automation

  • Jenkins

  • Continuous Testing

  • Data Analytics

  • Artificial intelligence  and Machine Learning (basic skills) Security and IT (must have)

  • (Postgress) SQL

  • Kafka

  • Programming and scripting skills (must have)

  • Linux and SQL

  • Agile basics and Scrum (must have)

Competences (musthaves dikgedrukt):

  • Communication skills

  • Training skills

  • English in speaking and writing (must have)

  • Analytic thinking

  • Solution-oriented (must have)

  • Agile mindset

  • Collaborative (must have)

  • Innovative thinking

  • Works structured

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Persuasion 

Culture Team:

Open atmosphere with different nationalities and all ages. The fast majority of the department consist of technical staff, ranging from experienced architects to junior team members at the start of their careers. 

Other relevant information

Humor and fun is very important too

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